Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Improve wireshark to fault injection tool

From: Gerhard Gappmeier <gerhard.gappmeier@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 17:33:56 +0200

wireshark is a sniffer which passively monitores network traffic and
shows this in a human readable fashion.
I don't believe that you can inject faults with that, because it can't
modify the data it records. (AFAIK)

What you need is a kind of proxy that you can but in between of client
and server to inject faults.
Maybe you can use the wireshark code for parsing the protocol,
but not to inject faults.


bruno.mor@xxxxxxxxxxx schrieb:
> Hello everybody,
> I need to improve wireshark to a fault injection tool.
> It's a fault communication injector that i need to create from the wireshark
> source.
> To do this, i want to use the libnet librairie in order to make fault like :
>  - delay time fault
>  - ommision fault
>  - injection of code in packet
>  - duplicate a packet
>  - modification of the header of packet or data in the packet ...
> I would like to inject fault in the WSP and WTP layer data in a first times
> and for more protocole after.
> If some can help me, in thinks i need to change the file "capture.c" to
> inject fault.
> Do you know work that seems to be equal ???
> Thank you.
> Any idea will be good to help me.
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