Committed revision 21397.
On 4/12/07, Balint Reczey (IJ/ETH) <Balint.Reczey@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Luis,
Thanks, it works perfectly.
I would like to handle the rare situation of Little Endian encoded
IP addresses, so i added a function which reads the address with
tvb_get_ipv4(), then swaps the bytes before SET_ADDRESS().
Could you commit it, too?
> From: "Luis Ontanon" <luis.ontanon@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 21:27:48 +0200
> Well I replaced tvb_get_ntohs() with tvb_get_ipv4().
> Balint:
> Can you test the changes to tvbrange:get_ipv4() in your code and
> verify that this works for you as well.
> The revision is:
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