Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] The "war against warnings" - mission accomplished!

From: "Luis Ontanon" <luis.ontanon@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2007 20:34:08 +0200
I do not think other lex than flex would actually work with all our lexers.

As far as the generated dissectors are delivered in the src tarballs
there's no problem, as the source will compile anyway on any POSIX
system. Windows builds require flex and a make clean.

On the other side if I remember well, if yyunput is not generated
other warnings come up.

You can try... and see what happens.
Worst case scenario: you'll just have to revert a commit.


On 4/3/07, Richard van der Hoff <richardv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Richard van der Hoff wrote:
> I'll see what I can do to squash a few.

I'm just wondering what to do about this one:

scanner.c:1571: warning: `yyunput' defined but not used

(for epan/dfilter/scanner.{c,l}, flex 2.5.33, gcc 3.3.6)

Ideally we'd add --nounput to the flex cmdline or "%option nounput" to
scanner.l, but they are both flex-only, so that's a bit hard.

The best I can come up with otherwise is
"static void yyunput (int, char*) _U_;"
in the declarations. Thoughts?


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