Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Protocol for DRDA / DB2

From: Sebastien Tandel <sebastien@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2007 13:25:21 +0200

It seems good (to me) with however some comments :
  - some core developers (and compilers) are pretty unhappy to see
commas after the last element in the initialization of an array,
  - the same for declarations after statement,
  - try to avoid 'if (tree)' if it has already been tested before!
(probably a symptom telling that it's time to split the concerned function.)
  - finally, don't forget to remove any compiler warning. The wireshark
community has made some substantial efforts these last days to get rid
of the majority of warnings. Please do the same within your code. thanks
:)  (There is only one, that's not too much :) )

Others details :
- Is there a section for this protocol on the wiki?
- Have you a capture trace that you can share on the capture trace wiki
- Have you fuzz-tested your dissector?

P.S. : next time, please provide a *patch* ;)
svn add epan/dissectors/packet-drda.c
svn diff | gzip > packet-drda.diff.gz
It will also include the modifications made in the Makefile.common

Sebastien Tandel

metatech wrote:
> Hello,
> In attachment you will find a dissector for the DRDA protocol.
> This is the protocol used by among others the DB2 database.
> Please check it in or comment.
> BTW, the makefile "setup" option is very convenient to download the
> dependent libraries, I quickly had an environment from scratch to
> build Wireshark.
> Thanks.
> metatech
> ====================
> DRDA stands for Distributed Relational Database Architecture.
> It is a protocol between database client and database server published
> by the Open Group (www.opengroup.org)
> DDM (Distributed Data Management) is an data management interface
> which allows to exchange structured data between systems.
> DRDA is specific to relational databases and uses a subset of DDM to
> transport its data.
> The IBM DB2 product uses the DRDA protocol from version V8.
> Unless negotiated differently during the handshake, the fields of the
> DDM commands and reply messages are in EBCDIC.
> ====================
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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