Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Wireshark 0.99.5 "make rpm-package" problems onRHEL3

From: Stephen Fisher <stephentfisher@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 13:58:03 -0700
On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 10:43:03PM -0400, Maynard, Chris wrote:

> Ah, I guess that explains it.  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 is equipped 
> with gtk2-2.2.4-19 (and gtk+-1.2.10-31).  Is gtk 2.4 or higher a 
> requirement for building a Wireshark rpm?  I did not see any mention 
> of any minimum 2.x requirement in the README.developer, README.linux 
> or any other README* files.
> Is there any way to resolve this ... without having to upgrade to 2.4 
> of course?  I can upgrade my own development box, but it would not be 
> possible for me to upgrade all boxes on which Wireshark is intended to 
> run on.

No, there are no minimum GTK requirements.  I consider this a bug in the 
code.  My mistake was using a function only available in GTK 2.4 and 
above, while testing only to make sure you're using GTK 2.0 or higher. 
The feature you'll be missing is small - it is the find button on the 
Follow TCP/SSL Stream dialogs.

I have changed the code in the latest SVN version to check for GTK 
version 2.4+ instead.  You can either patch your 0.99.5 version 
based on the output of the "text changed" links on this page:


Or grab the latest developer 0.99.6 source code from here:

(get the file with 21285 or higher in the file name - it should be 
available within a few hours)

The future release of 0.99.6 will contain this fix as well.

Please note that this is a compile time check, so you should run the 
same GTK version on your build machine as the machines you're going to 
be running Wireshark on.

Let us know if you have any further problems with it compiling/linking.
