Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] Compilation warning (error on Win) fix for packet-ipmi.c

From: "Peter Johansson" <peterjohansson73@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 15:02:17 +0200
This patch takes care of a compilation warning that produces a compilation error on Windows (due to the newly introduced /WX compiler option).
Regards, Peter
Index: C:/wireshark-win32-libs/epan/dissectors/packet-ipmi.c
--- C:/wireshark-win32-libs/epan/dissectors/packet-ipmi.c	(revision 21226)
+++ C:/wireshark-win32-libs/epan/dissectors/packet-ipmi.c	(working copy)
@@ -3976,11 +3976,10 @@
 	proto_tree	*ipmi_tree = NULL, *field_tree = NULL;
 	proto_item	*ti = NULL, *tf;
 	gint			offset = 0;
-	gint			auth_offset = 0;
 	/* tvbuff_t	*next_tvb; */  /* modified by lane */
 	guint32		session_id;
 	/*payloadtype for RMCPP*/
-	guint8		authtype, payloadtype = 0, netfn, cmd, ccode, len, response;
+	guint8		authtype, payloadtype = 0, netfn, cmd, ccode, len, response, auth_offset = 0;
 	gboolean	payloadtype_auth, payloadtype_enc = 0;
 	/* session authtype, 0=no authcode present */