Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Get 3 bytes

From: "Steven Le" <programminglist@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 13:49:40 -0800
Thanks Guys Harris a lot. I understand more now. Actually I copied without modifying header fields "a", so it appeared to be *three* a in proto_tree_add_item

On 3/12/07, Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Mar 12, 2007, at 5:47 PM, Steven Le wrote:

> >No bitmasking necessary - FT_UINT24 takes care of it for you.  Just
> put
> 0x0 for the bitmask field.
> I don't understand this part. Why is bitmask set to 0x instead of
> doing actually bitmasking
> while registering headers?
> I have 3 fields in bits that add up total 24 bits
> Example : a = 7 bits, b = 14 bits and c= 3 bits.

Then you have *three* fields the lengths of which happen to add up to
24, and that don't straddle byte boundaries, not one 24-bit field.

If you don't need the values of the fields to do any calculations,
just do

        proto_tree_add_item(..........,a, offset, 3, TRUE);
        proto_tree_add_item(..........,b, offset, 3, TRUE);
        proto_tree_add_item(..........,c, offset, 3, TRUE); offset +=3;

*without* the tvb_get_letoh24() call.  Do *NOT* use "a" in all three
calls; you need three separate field definitions, and need to use the
appropriate field hf_ value for the appropriate field.

If you do need the value, then get the value of the 24 bits that
include the three fields:

        uint32 bits = tvb_get_letoh24(tvb, 3);

and either do

        proto_tree_add_item(..........,a, offset, 3, TRUE);
        proto_tree_add_item(..........,b, offset, 3, TRUE);
        proto_tree_add_item(..........,c, offset, 3, TRUE); offset +=3;

or do

        proto_tree_add_uint(..........,a, offset, 3, bits);
        proto_tree_add_uint(..........,b, offset, 3, bits);
        proto_tree_add_uint(..........,c, offset, 3, bits); offset +=3;

(the latter is slightly more efficient, but a bit more work - and you
have to get the types correct).

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