Guy Harris wrote:
On Mar 6, 2007, at 4:22 PM, ronnie sahlberg wrote:
Since this is so specialized, it might be better to make this into
a plugin. There should be only very minor changes required to make
it live down in ./plugins/nfsanonymizer.
While plugins are usually used for PROTOCOLS there is nothing that
prevents you from doing a "fake" protocol plugin that is actually
a tap. (or if there is something that would prevent plugin taps
from working it should be fixed)
We already have a plugin tap - the stats_tree tap. It's not even a
protocol, it's *just* a tap; plugins no longer have to be protocols.
Right, so this NFS anonymizer is already a plugin because its a tap?
If not, is it even necessary to make it a plugin? considering that it
can be run only when *-z nfsanon* is in the command line.