Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] local operation code in MAP

From: "Anders Broman \(AL/EAB\)" <anders.broman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 17:55:25 +0100
Shouldn't the encoded value be H'81 H'19(153) ?
Best regards


From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of durgabhavani.uppuluru@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tue 2/27/2007 3:14 PM
To: wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] local operation code in MAP



I've given the value for operation code, not the ASN1 compiler.


I've tried below suggestion but still got the problem.

Operation code length : 02, and the operation code : H'81 H'99.


I tried to print the opcode value read from dissect_ber_integer, dissect_ber_integer64

They print negative number for int format & huge positive number for unsigned format.


Best Regards,





From: Florent.Drouin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:[email protected]> 
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 13:05:42 +0100

You said:
"Hex value shown, in the bytes pane is 99."
Is this value field by yourself, or by an ASN1 compiler ?
I think, It could be a problem of long form encoding.
Could you try to use H'81 H'99 instead of H'99 for the operation code in
the message to decode ?



From: DurgaBhavani Uppuluru 
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 12:08 PM
To: 'wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: local operation code in MAP


Hi Again,


I've tried latest svn version files too, still I get the same problem.

I've added gsmmap, ranap directories & packet-gtp.c from svn Revision 20934, on top of wireshark-0.99.5 sources.


Please help me.


Best Regards,



From: DurgaBhavani Uppuluru 

Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 9:41 AM
To: 'wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: local operation code in MAP




I'm using wireshark 0.99.5 sources.

The below code is right. 

I've added the operations in the same way.


Here are the steps followed:


My GSMMAP.asn files looks


1. OperationLocalvalue ::= INTEGER{

        updateLocation (2),


        noteMM-Event (89),





2. Operation descriptions of operation1 & operation2 are added


3. packet-gsm_map-template.c is updated with



{   2, "updateLocation" },


{   152, "operation1" },

{   153, "operation2" }





  case  2: /*updateLocation*/ dissect_gsm_map_UpdateLocationArg();  break;


  case 152: /*operation 1*/ dissect_gsm_map_Operation1Arg(); break;

  case 153: /*operation 2*/ dissect_gsm_map_Operation2Arg(); break;


return offset;



3. makefile is used to generate packet-gsm_map.c, packet-gsm_map.h.

Options used with asn2wrs are:

python ../../tools/asn2wrs.py -b -e -p gsm_map -c gsmmap.cnf -s packet-gsm_map-template GSMMAP.asn


4. Generated packet-gsm_map.c, packet-gsm_map.h are copied to ../../epan/dissectors folder.

Standard makefile present in the wireshark-0.99.5 directory is used to build the wireshark exe.


The same steps when followed with operation codes with 90,91 or 94,95  work fine.


Thanks for your time.


Best Regards,



From: "Anders Broman \(AL/EAB\)" <anders.broman@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:[email protected]> >
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 16:21:09 +0100


Are you running the latest SVN version of Wireshark?

I asume that "adding an operation with local value 153 to GSMMAP" means that you are editing the sources,

what happens if you change:

GSMMAPOperationLocalvalue ::= INTEGER{
 updateLocation (2),


 noteMM-Event (89)


 noteMM-Event (89),


in GSMMAP.asn and rebuild the dissector using asn2wrs?

Best regards




From: DurgaBhavani Uppuluru 

Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 10:46 AM
To: 'wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: local operation code in MAP


Hi Anders,


Hex value shown, in the bytes pane is 99.

I've tried other numbers too (>150) and I get similar result.


Best Regards,



From: "Anders Broman" <a.broman@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:[email protected]> >
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 19:55:43 +0100

What is the hex value shown in the bytes pane when marking localvalue in the
middle pane?
Best regards



From: DurgaBhavani Uppuluru
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 2:36 PM
To: 'wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: local operation code in MAP


Hi All,


Greetings to you.


I'm adding an operation with local value 153 to GSMMAP.

But dissector does not recognize 153, it reports Unknown -103.

Kindly tell me how to set this value.




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