Guy Harris wrote:
Richard van der Hoff wrote:
The H.223 dissector contains code to deal with "bitswapped" captures -
ie, where all of the bytes have their bits backwards. It seems that this
is much better handled as a separate dissector entry point, so that the
right one can be chosen when the dissector is registered, rather than
the current dubious heuristics.
So in what cases are the bytes bitswapped, other than H.223-over-IAX?
Well, if your H.223 is over TCP, it may or may not be bitswapped - so
it's advantageous to be able to choose which.
And is there any need to have two separate protocols, rather than two
separate dissectors for the same protocol (namely H.223)?
Um... quite possibly not. I'm hazy on the difference, to be honest.
What's the difference?