Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Beginners help. How to add additional subtrees ?

From: "Jan Kokott" <Blind007@xxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 15:18:33 +0100

I found the problem.
The second Subtree has a length of 20 byte.
And that doesn�t work with FT_NONE or FT_UNIT64. 
As it seems I have to declare a struct which will be used in the hf_register_info hf[] to replace the FT_ variable.


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 11:12:49 +0100
Von: "Jan Kokott" <Blind007@xxxxxx>
An: Developer support list for Wireshark <wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Betreff: [Wireshark-dev] Beginners help. How to add additional subtrees ?

> Hi,
> My 802.15.4 plugin starts working, but as a newbie to C it�s still quite
> difficult to deal with the idea of pointer. :(
> For starting the plugin I just reused the rudp plugin, so at the moment I
> implemented the Frame Control field and Addressing field of Zigbee under
> UDP at an virtual udp port.
> I wanted to add 2 sub_tree and a single item to my dissector, but it
> doesn�t add the second subtree (adressing field).
> the first one is displayed correctly and the "Sequence Number Field" added
> after the first sub_tree also works.
> /*I defined all the fields with*/
> static int hf_zigbee_frame = -1; ...and so on.
> /*Then added all three fields*/
> static gint ett_zigbee = -1;
> static gint ett_zigbee_frame = -1;
> static gint ett_zigbee_adr = -1;
> tvbuff_t * next_tvb = NULL;
> proto_tree *zigbee_tree = NULL, *frame_tree, *adr_tree;
> proto_item *ti = NULL;
> /*Tree*/
> ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_zigbee, tvb, 0, hlen, FALSE);
> zigbee_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_zigbee);
> /*1.sub_tree*/
> ti = proto_tree_add_item(zigbee_tree, hf_zigbee_frame, tvb, 0, 2, FALSE);
> frame_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_zigbee_frame);
> /*(filled with for ())*/
> /*Then added the single field without any subtree*/
> proto_tree_add_item(zigbee_tree, hf_zigbee_seq, tvb, 2, 1, FALSE);
> /*And then just added the next subtree*/
> ti = proto_tree_add_item(zigbee_tree, hf_zigbee_adr, tvb, 3, hlen, FALSE);
> adr_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_zigbee_adr);
> /*(again another for() to fill in the fields)*/
> */Defined all the field info in proto_register_zigbee(void)*/
> /*Added the field array*/
> static gint *ett[] = {
> 		&ett_zigbee,
> 		&ett_zigbee_frame,
> 		&ett_zigbee_adr,};
> /*And registered them */
> proto_register_field_array(proto_zigbee, hf, array_length(hf));
> proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
> That isn�t the full code but should be the interesting part for the
> subtree.
> Why does the first sub_tree work and the second is just displayed as a
> single Item with 20 bytes length ?
> I think my problem is with the registration of the second sub_tree or with
> the pointer on ti or the tree.
> Regards
> Jan
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