Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] roofnet v1

From: Nicola Arnoldi <nicola.arnoldi@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 23:14:42 +0100
Hi all.
I noticed that the version 1 of the roofnet header has got additional fields, as one might understand from the srpacket.hh file i posted some email ago.

In particular, there are 6 and a half more lines in the header than in version 2.

Can you modify the dissector in order to make it able to decode both v1 and v2 packets?



Il giorno 10/gen/07, alle ore 16:48, Nicola Arnoldi ha scritto:

Was the pcap file enough?



Il giorno mar, 09/01/2007 alle 12.34 +0100, Sebastien Tandel ha scritto:

   Can you send a pcap file for testing purpose, please?


Sebastien Tandel

Nicola Arnoldi wrote:
Hi everybody.
The great work Sebastien did about Roofnet dissectors was related to
Version 2, which is still far from stable.
It should be implemented the V 1 as well, which has some differences
between V2.
I attach the c++ header, hoping it would be sufficient for you to modify
the dissector accordingly.

Note that ETHTYPES, which in V2 all started with a 6 (6xx) now start
with number 9. (9xx)

The message I receive when I try to decode V1 datagrams with the old
dissector is something like.
Bogus IP header, more payload than told by roofnet...and others.



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#include <click/ipaddress.hh>
#include <elements/wifi/path.hh>

#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

enum SRCRPacketType { PT_QUERY = 0x01,
		      PT_REPLY = 0x02,
                      PT_TOP5_RESULT = 0x03,
		      PT_DATA  = 0x04,
                      PT_GATEWAY = 0x08

enum SRCRPacketFlags {
  FLAG_ERROR = (1<<0),
  FLAG_UPDATE = (1<<1),
  FLAG_TOP5_BEST_ROUTE = (1<<3),
  FLAG_SCHEDULE = (1<<4),
  FLAG_ECN = (1<<7)

static const uint8_t _sr_version = 0x0b;

// Packet format.
struct srpacket {,
  uint8_t _version; /* see _srcr_version */
  uint8_t _type;  /* see enum SRCRPacketType */
  uint8_t _nlinks;
uint8_t _next; // Index of next node who should process this packet.

  uint16_t _ttl;
  uint16_t _cksum;
  uint16_t _flags;
  uint16_t _dlen;

   * _qdst is used for the query destination in control packets
   * and a extra 32 bit seq number in data packets
  uint32_t _qdst;

  uint32_t _seq;   // seq number
  uint32_t _seq2;  // another seq number

  /* uin32_t ip[_nlinks] */
  /* uin32_t metrics[_nlinks] */

  /* ip */
  /* fwd */
  /* rev */
  /* seq */
  /* ip */

  uint32_t _random_from;
  uint32_t _random_fwd_metric;
  uint32_t _random_rev_metric;
  uint32_t _random_seq;
  uint16_t _random_age;
  uint32_t _random_to;

  void set_random_from(IPAddress ip) {
    _random_from = ip;
  void set_random_to(IPAddress ip) {
    _random_to = ip;
  void set_random_fwd_metric(uint32_t m) {
    _random_fwd_metric = m;

  void set_random_rev_metric(uint32_t m) {
    _random_rev_metric = m;
  void set_random_seq(uint32_t s) {
    _random_seq = s;
  void set_random_age(uint32_t s) {
    _random_age = s;

  IPAddress get_random_from() {
    return _random_from;
  IPAddress get_random_to() {
    return _random_to;
  uint32_t get_random_fwd_metric() {
    return _random_fwd_metric;
  uint32_t get_random_rev_metric() {
    return _random_rev_metric;

  uint32_t get_random_seq() {
    return _random_seq;

  uint32_t get_random_age() {
    return _random_age;

  void set_link(int link,
		IPAddress a, IPAddress b,
		uint32_t fwd, uint32_t rev,
		uint32_t seq,
		uint32_t age) {

    uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
    ndx += link * 5;

    ndx[0] = a;
    ndx[1] = fwd;
    ndx[2] = rev;
    ndx[3] = seq;
    ndx[4] = age;
    ndx[5] = b;

  uint32_t get_link_fwd(int link) {
    uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
    ndx += link * 5;
    return ndx[1];
  uint32_t get_link_rev(int link) {
    uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
    ndx += link * 5;
    return ndx[2];

  uint32_t get_link_seq(int link) {
    uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
    ndx += link * 5;
    return ndx[3];

  uint32_t get_link_age(int link) {
    uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
    ndx += link * 5;
    return ndx[4];

  IPAddress get_link_node(int link) {
    uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
    ndx += link * 5;
    return ndx[0];

  void set_link_node(int link, IPAddress ip) {
    uint32_t *ndx = (uint32_t *) (this+1);
    ndx += link * 5;
    ndx[0] = ip;

  // How long should the packet be?
  size_t hlen_wo_data() const { return len_wo_data(_nlinks); }
size_t hlen_with_data() const { return len_with_data(_nlinks, ntohs(_dlen)); }

  static size_t len_wo_data(int nlinks) {
    return sizeof(struct srpacket) +
      sizeof(uint32_t) +
      (nlinks) * sizeof(uint32_t) * 5;

  static size_t len_with_data(int nlinks, int dlen) {
    return len_wo_data(nlinks) + dlen;

  int num_links() {
    return _nlinks;

  int next() {
    return _next;
  Path get_path() {
    Path p;
    for (int x = 0; x <= num_links(); x++) {
    return p;
  void set_data_seq(uint32_t n) {
    _qdst = htonl(n);
  uint32_t data_seq() {
    return ntohl(_qdst);
  void set_seq(uint32_t n) {
    _seq = htonl(n);
  uint32_t seq() {
    return ntohl(_seq);

  void set_seq2(uint32_t n) {
    _seq2 = htonl(n);
  uint32_t seq2() {
    return ntohl(_seq2);
  void set_next(uint8_t n) {
    _next = n;

  void set_num_links(uint8_t n) {
    _nlinks = n;
  void set_data_len(uint16_t len) {
    _dlen = htons(len);
  uint16_t data_len() {
    return ntohs(_dlen);

  void set_flag(uint16_t f) {
    uint16_t flags = ntohs(_flags);
    _flags = htons(flags | f);

  bool flag(int f) {
    int x = ntohs(_flags);
    return x & f;
  void unset_flag(uint16_t f) {
    uint16_t flags = ntohs(_flags);
    _flags = htons(flags & !f);

/* remember that if you call this you must have set the number of links in this packet! */ u_char *data() { return (((u_char *)this) + len_wo_data (num_links())); }

  void set_checksum() {
    unsigned int tlen = 0;
    if (_type & PT_DATA) {
      tlen = hlen_with_data();
    } else {
      tlen = hlen_wo_data();
    _cksum = 0;
    _cksum = click_in_cksum((unsigned char *) this, tlen);

#ifndef sr_assert
#define sr_assert(e) ((e) ? (void) 0 : sr_assert_(__FILE__, __LINE__, #e))
#endif /* sr_assert */

inline void
sr_assert_(const char *file, int line, const char *expr)
  click_chatter("assertion \"%s\" FAILED: file %s, line %d",
		expr, file, line);



#endif /* CLICK_SRPACKET_HH */

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