Have you built Wireshark with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
(with Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows 2003 R2 in the WinXP build
environment) yet? I've never tried compiling Wireshark on Windows
before so I don't know what these errors even mean:
ascend-scanner.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__strdup ref erenced in function _ascendlex
I end up getting "34 unresolved externals" that all appear to be
standard C functions such as fprintf, fdopen, lseek, etc preceeded by
__imp___(?). This is early in the build process where it's linking the
wiretap library together.
I don't mean to be pushy; I appreciate your work to get Wireshark to
compile with newer versions of VC++. I would love to be able to compile
Wireshark with the free compiler from Microsoft if possible.