Andreas Fink wrote:
Problem #1: LDFLAGS make ./configure fail.
I would need to add -Wl,-single_module to LDFLAGS (otherwise we get
errors speaking about multi module)
I can not do this like above because ./configure not wanting to compile.
Solution is to add it to the LDFLAGS lines of wiretap/Makefile and
epan/Makefile after the ./configure by hand.
I've checked in a change that adds -Wl,-single_module to libwireshark
and libwiretap on Darwin (whether the Darwin happens to be bundled with
WindowServer, Finder, and iTunes or not :-)).
Problem #2: Missing LUA files
The files wslua/dtd_gen.lua and wslua/console.lua seem to be missing
(Make looks for them)
Copying them over from the previous install directory solves this.
Why are those missing?
I've checked in a change that should cause those to show up in the tarballs.