On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 09:32:33AM +0100, Mikael Wikstr?m wrote:
> Is there a way to write a display filter based on wlan.fsc (Frame
> check sequence) is correct/incorrect?
There is now :) I just added this feature to Wireshark in SVN revision
20273. Update to the latest developer release to take advantage of it
using one of the following methods (it will also be available in the
upcoming 0.99.5 release if you would rather wait):
- Run svn update
- Download the source code revision 20273 or higher from:
- Download the Windows installer revision 20273 or higher from:
The first is available immediately. The second two should be availabile
within a few hours.
Use these display filters to obtain the results you're looking for:
wlan.fcs_good = TRUE
wlan.fcs_bad = TRUE