The last argument of proto_tree_add_item() tells Wireshark the byte
order (endianness)... TRUE for little endian, FALSE for big endian.
On 12/4/06, Hal Lander <hal_lander@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In hf_register_info I declare a field to be FT_UINT16.
Then I use "proto_tree_add_item" to put it on the tree.
In the lower (3rd) pane Wireshark dispalys the two bytes in hex as;
24 00
In the middle (2nd) pane it displays the value of the field as 9216 when
what I was wanting to see was 36.
How do I get Wireshark to use the bytes in the reverse order before
calculating the unsigned 16 bit integer to display?
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