Yes, multiple dissectors can exist within the same source file. The
packet-ip.c file implements the IP and ICMP dissectors, for example.
On 12/3/06, prashanth joshi <prashanthsjoshi2000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
can we have two dissectors in same file. Allready there is a dissector in a
file which is working. We need to implement a dissector ( ie new protocol
) which is to be invoked based on completely different conditions. So can we
write this dissector in the same file as the first dissector.
Ultimately we need to support both the dissectors.
So can we have both the dissectors in the same file?
I want to have both the dissectors in the same file becos i want to escape
from the overhead of writing the make file for the second dissector that i
am supposed to implement.
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