Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] D-Bus support

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 00:47:50 +0200
frederic heem wrote:
D-Bus support has been adding to wireshark.
For those who are interested to know more about this feature, a README.dbus has been written. Any comments will be appreciated
Frederic Heem

Mentioning the bugzilla entry 1179 would be a good idea - not everyone will have read it to follow the discussion.

Some thoughts about your bugzilla comments:

- A link to the d-bus projects homepage would be nice: http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software_2fdbus - your initial patch was 2350 lines - your full patch 5794 lines! I had a quick look which took me more than 15 minutes and I didn't get it all (I don't know dbus and cmake) in that time. I don't know how you can review this in 15 minutes (especially when you've not written the code). A good inspection rate of a serious code review takes around 1h for 1000 lines of non commentary code (however, this value varies depending on the author your reading). You've mentioned 15 minutes which seems *very* optimistic. - "Controlling wireshark through D-Bus" is just misleading. You're controlling dumpcap (which is just a small part of Wireshark). I would understand controlling Wireshark mean to be able to control e.g. the WS GUI. - adding a lot of #ifdef's to the dumpcap code *will* make it less secure in the long run - it reduces maintainability and therefore make new bugs more likely - "since decoding no longer needs root privileges, security is improved" - great that you've also find out why I took *a lot of time* to create dumpcap and use it by WS to improve security - but that's in no way related to your d-bus changes.

BTW: Stating to improve security by adding a possibly remotely accessible mechanism is the best joke I've seen for quite a while.

I've tried to be polite in the response to your first bugzilla entry - to guide you the way making inclusion of your patch much more likely. In the meantime reading your answers to it, I don't feel a lot motivation to spend my free time to work on your patch any longer.

Just remember that you are talking to mostly volunteers spending their free time to work on this project. And working on your own work is certainly much more appealing than reviewing someone else's code for inclusion - how nice and practical this addition may be ...

Regards, ULFL