Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Release (0.99.4) next week

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 19:57:33 +0200
Gerald Combs wrote:
Joerg Mayer wrote:
On Mon, Oct 09, 2006 at 04:08:04PM -0700, Gerald Combs wrote:
I'd like to release 0.99.4 next Wednesday (the 18th).  If you're
planning on checking in any major changes, please hold off until the
release branch is created (probably Friday or Monday).
Hmm, there are still some open points on the roadmap:

Pending: Version checking. Windows updater. Fix Coverity bugs. Fix blocker bugs: 396 - Saving flow data crashes Wireshark Finish capture privilege separation. Use the "User's Guide" as the online help system for Wireshark releases
So is it really such a good idea to make a new release?
What would be the preferred way of implementing the version checking and
Windows updater features?  Firefox appears to use a simple SSL
connection, presumably to mitigate man-in-the-middle attacks.  Assuming
we have GNUTLS or OpenSSL available, is there anything wrong with this
Well, I've brought up this point, when I remember correct.

HTTP or HTTPS would be just fine, anything else will block a lot of people behind (corporate) firewalls - rendering the feature pretty useless (or even causing more trouble than helping at all).
HTTP could be used, if there are no security concerns. I don't have a 
lot of knowledge how HTTPS works.
So in the end, I would think HTTP might be good enough. However, we're 
not in a hurry, so this shouldn't be done in the next few days before 
the next release.

I've spend some time to the "User's Guide as help" topic. It should be working fine in Windows now (NSIS installs the .chm file and then the open URL function is used to show the page), but I didn't took too much time how to use this under any UNIX like systems (especially how to configure where the HTML pages can be found is unclear to me). Another topic is that the related help pages in the User's Guide might be better related to the task people want to do - however the current content might be much better than what we have now.
So much to do and so many time :-(

However, as there we're some serious bugs fixed I would think that a new version is ok.
Regards, ULFL

P.S: The changes I've done to the Preferences and alike dialogs needs to be mentioned at least in the release notes. Gerald, did you started the new notes already?