Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Please help me, I need to automatize the calculation of Inte

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 16:27:07 +0200 (CEST)

Without going into the details of the analysis, I would suggest to use the
keyboard shortcuts to "work the GUI" from the macrorecorder, in order to
export the statistics to a CSV file. From there you could perform any
calculation you want.


On Mon, 9 Oct 2006, Andreina Toro wrote:

>  Hi everyone, I sent a mail a week ago asking if there was an option in
> Wireshark to calculate Interarrival jitter?, or wich is the shortest and
> direct way to analyze RTP Streams of each call, so I can get the jitter data
> of each packet of each call  in order to calculate manually the interarrival
> jitter?. Please consider the fact that I have to create an automatic routine
> with a marco recorder, so everytime the program is run I can calculate this
> specific jitter. And please also consider that the number of calls per
> capture is variable. I know the mean jitter is calculated by wiresahark, and
> also the jitters of each packet.
> Please, I?m looking forward for any help you could give me, or at least
> any answer telling me that there is no way to automatize the calculation of
> this interarrival jitter.
> Thanks for your time, and sorry for any inconvinience,
> Best Regards,
> Andreina
> PD: Here I copied the mail I sent a week ago, where I explain in detail what
> my problem is
> *I have a question about Wireshark and the RTP Streams. I need to calculate
> the Interarrival Jitter. I undestand that "it is calculated continuously as
> each data packet i is received from source SSRC_n, using this difference D
> for that packet and the previous packet i-1 in order of arrival (not
> necessarily in sequence), according to the formula J=J+(|D(i-1,i)|-J)/16 " *
> **
> *In the sub menu "Show all RTP Streams" I found the Mean Jitter and the Max
> Jitter of each call. But I need the specific Interarrival Jitter of each
> call. I know I can calculate it because if I choose a call in that specific
> Window and then click on "Analyze" I get another window with a lot of
> information, among those the jitter of each packet of each call, with that
> data I can manually calculate the Interarrival Jitter that I need. The
> problem is that I need to automatize the process using a Macro Recorder ,
> and I don?t see how I can create a general routine using the Keyboard that
> would apply to every Capture in order to get the data that I need. I don?t
> know If I?m being clear with what my problem is.. With Wireshark in the RTP
> Streams Window I need to click on top of the specific stream for an
> analysis. So I can not automatize that because depending on the number of
> calls in each capture I?ll need to click in an specific number of streams in
> order to get each analysis in wich I can get the data for the Jitter I
> need.?? :( So is there another way to get this Jitter? that would get me more
> directly to the jitter for ALL the calls in a capture?? And is there a way
> using ONLY the KEYBOARD and not the MOUSE to click and choose a specific
> Stream in the "Show all RTP Streams Window"??? Because the problem with the
> mouse is that the window can be located in any position in the Screen... *
> * *
> *If anyone could help me I would me veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery thankfull... *
> * *
> *The problem is that I need to create  a routine using Wireshark with a
> Macro Recorder and run it every 2 hours in order to calculate Quality of
> Service parameters for VoIP Calls... *
> * *
> *Thaaaaaaaaaaaanks.... you?re helping a Venezuelan student in a middle of a
> crisis!!!!*
> * *
> *Best Regards!*
> *Andreina *