Giorgio Tino wrote:
seems that some other problem occurs while building wireshark (19328) ...
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.9782.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.
set copycmd=/y
if not exist wireshark-gtk1 mkdir wireshark-gtk1
xcopy epan\libwireshark.dll wireshark-gtk1 /d
1 File(s) copied
xcopy ".\wiretap\wiretap-0.3.dll" wireshark-gtk1 /d
1 File(s) copied
xcopy ".\epan\libwireshark.dll" wireshark-gtk1 /d
0 File(s) copied
if exist tshark.exe xcopy tshark.exe wireshark-gtk1 /d
if exist dumpcap.exe xcopy dumpcap.exe wireshark-gtk2 /d
if exist mergecap.exe xcopy mergecap.exe wireshark-gtk2 /d
if exist text2pcap.exe xcopy text2pcap.exe wireshark-gtk2 /d
if exist capinfos.exe xcopy capinfos.exe wireshark-gtk1 /d
if exist editcap.exe xcopy editcap.exe wireshark-gtk1 /d
xcopy ".\AUTHORS-SHORT" wireshark-gtk1 /d
File not found - AUTHORS-SHORT
0 File(s) copied
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'xcopy' : return code '0x4'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\VC98\BIN\NMAKE.EXE' :
return code '0x2'
Any idea? Thanks
P.S. AUTHORS-SHORT is NOT missing, it is in the right place I think... This
error occurs either if I update my old version, or if I download the HEAD in
a new directory and try to compile there...
Don't understand. The AUTHORS-SHORT file exists in the root source dir
but xcopy don't find it?!?
Do you start nmake from the sources dir?!? Any problems with your xcopy?
Regards, ULFL