Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] c-string dissector - desegmentation

From: Tomasz Noiński <noix@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:43:10 +0200 (CEST)
On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, Guy Harris wrote:

> Tomasz Noiński wrote:
> > For the record, I'm testing it with the following TCP packets:
> > packet 1: "\001\001\000"
> > packet 2: "\002\002\000\003\003\000"
> > packet 3: "\004"
> > packet 4: "\004\000"
> > packet 5: "\005\005\000\006"
> > packet 6: "\006\000"
> > packet 7: "\007"
> > packet 8: "\007\007\000"
> Do you have a capture file with those packets?  We could synthesize one,
> but that'd take some time.

Sure, that's how I tested it.

It was genreated by simply piping a perl script
(http://sphere.pl/~noix/wireshark/generate-noix2) to netcat.
