On 9/7/06, Andreas Fink <andreas@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I recently compiled wireshark under MacOS X 10.4.7 on a intel machine. This
time I succeeded even with GTK+2 after fiddling with a lot of options.
I'm preparing an installer for it for users without "fink" or "darwin
But while using it, I find out a strange behaviour.
I'm capturing data on a linux machine (fedora5) with tcpdump -s0
-wdumpfile.cap. Transfer the file to the mac and try to open it with
wireshark. I get weird errors saying it couldnt open it because packet size
is bigger than 65k or something like that. Same is if I capture with
ethereal on that linux box and transfer the file to the mac. I can capture
on the mac fine with tcpdump and read it on the mac with wireshark but
whatever comes from that linux machine is not working.
Is this a endian problem maybe? I never had this issue with previous
versions of wireshark.
I built 0.99.3a.
I do not think so , I had the same symptoms and for me it was a
conflict between OSX's open-ssl and darwinports open-ssl. I never
solved it, I just built --without-netsnmp.
BTW I never understood why it happened, so if you do please tell me.
If you find a way to build with netsnmp without this problem tell me
Andreas Fink
Fink Consulting GmbH
Tel: +41-61-6666332 Fax: +41-61-6666331 Mobile: +41-79-2457333
Address: Clarastrasse 3, 4058 Basel, Switzerland
E-Mail: afink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Homepage: http://www.finkconsulting.com
ICQ: 8239353
MSN: afink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AIM: smsrelay Skype: andreasfink
Yahoo: finkconsulting SMS: +41792457333
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