Good start. Since port 1510 is assigned to another protocol, according to
IANA (http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers) :
mvx-lm 1510/udp Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.
it may prove valuable to have some heuristic in there and return a boolean
to indicate a hit or miss.
On Tue, 5 Sep 2006, Toralf [iso-8859-1] F?rster wrote:
> Ehm, now with the attached file ...
> Playing with wireshark and refreshing my burried C knowledge I created a new dissector for the protocol
> by shameless copying most of it from packet-daytime.c and others.
> The protocol itself is simple enough, a simple string as the payload of an udp packet, string parts are divided by a ":".
> I'm interesting whether the implementation would be ok and what could be make better.
> Thanks for any reply.
> --
> MfG/Sincerely
> Toralf F?rster