OK, so I have traced my bug back a bit, and have found the source of the
problem...the problem seens to be between Makefile.nmake and config.nmake...
In Makefile.nmake, the section where config.h is constructed using sed, this
seems to be where the build process fails. If I run the build, I get "NMAKE
: fatal error U1077: 'sed' : return code '0x66666666'"
Thus far, I have not been able to find what this return code means, but it
appears that variable which are defined in config.nmake are not valid. If I
comment out certain lines in this section of Makefile.nmake, the build will
proceed (of course it does not finish, but I get past this error)...
For reference, in Makefile.nmake, the building of config.h starts on line
221...if I comment out all sed commands except VERSION, ADNS_CONFIG, and
PCRE_CONFIG, I do not get this error, otherwise I do.
Am I not modifying something in config.nmake that I should be?
(ps - I am building for win32)
If anyone has any information that may help, I would appreciate it.