Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] help on using asn2wrs

From: "Jacob Avraham" <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:10:27 +0300


I found the problems in the ASN1 file. I got it to compile and link.





From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Anders Broman (AL/EAB)
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 3:26 PM
To: Developer support list for Wireshark
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] help on using asn2wrs



That implys that there is something asn2wrs does not like at line 38 of your asn1 file can yo send lines 30 - 40?






From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jacob Avraham
Sent: den 28 augusti 2006 14:59
To: Developer support list for Wireshark
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] help on using asn2wrs



I'm getting the following error: (python version is 2.4.3)


[jacob@lily qod]$ python ../../tools/asn2wrs.py -p qod -c qod.cnf -s packet-qod-template qod.asn

ASN.1 to Wireshark dissector compiler

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "../../tools/asn2wrs.py", line 4875, in ?


  File "../../tools/asn2wrs.py", line 4831, in eth_main

    ast.extend(yacc.parse(f.read(), lexer=lexer, debug=pd))

  File "/home/jacob/wireshark-0.99.3a/tools/yacc.py", line 321, in parse

    tok = self.errorfunc(errtoken)

  File "../../tools/asn2wrs.py", line 4705, in p_error

    raise ParseError(str(t))

__main__.ParseError: LexToken(RBRACE,'}',38)



From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Anders Broman (AL/EAB)
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 2:33 PM
To: Developer support list for Wireshark
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] help on using asn2wrs



Well the .cnf file is only needed if you need to do someting to the asn1 decoding and the template file is were you put the code that makes your dissector be called forinstance.


But the first step is to get the dissector generated have you succeeded to do that with skeleton .cnf and template files?





From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jacob Avraham
Sent: den 28 augusti 2006 14:03
To: wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] help on using asn2wrs



I'm adding a dissector to a proprietary protocol, which is ASN1 PER encoded, and is in the payload of a specific UDP port packet.

I'm trying to understand how to write the packet-myproto-templace.c and the myproto.cnf .


