I think this is the result of the workaround for critical bug 852.
As the comment states: "Actually this stuff (related to printing) need
serious rework."
On Thu, 3 Aug 2006, Bert van Leeuwen wrote:
> Hi,
> I've discovered a bug in the "follow TCP" ASCII view, it seems to drop
> the last payload octet of each packet. See attached capture file, I sent
> "0123456789" from client to server, and replied "abcdefghij" from server
> to client. In ASCII view on "follow TCP" in wireshark, the "9" and "j"
> are missing. They are present in HEX display and C array mode though,
> but also seem to be missing (I just noticed now) in RAW and EBCDIC
> modes... I'm using:
> wireshark version 0.99.2
> gentoo linux (everything pretty much latest version)
> kernel 2.6.17
> gtk 1.2.10
> Let me know if you need more info. If you can tell me where the "follow
> TCP" code is more or less in the repository I can try fix the bug if you
> don't have time.
> Regards,
> Bert van Leeuwen