> > I could do some of them. You can do that full free/Open
> Source tools so
> > that everybody can contribute (I did it for this site:
> > http://gull.sourceforge.net/).
> > What is the best place to put them? I would tend to say
> that the Wiki is
> > adapted - but I'm not sure moinmoin allows it.
> > Olivier.
> Yes. The OSS tools work well. I'd like to see the videos at
> http://www.wireshark.org/docs/, personally. I can get user
> suggestions for
> videos, if you are interested. Some ideas I have are:
> - Basic start up and use (capturing, reading files and saving files,
> expanding protocol views, hilighting packet sections, etc.)
> - Filtering (and colorizing)
> - Following TCP streams
> - H.323 call analysis
In case some want to start doing videos, here is what I use to generate
flv (flash) movies (this is on windows - so not fully free and with
1. Generate a screen video capture with Windows Media Encoder (wmv
2. Use mencoder to encode in FLV format, 15fps, mp3, one key frame every
2 second:
mencoder "InputFile" -ffourcc FLV1 -of lavf -ofps 15
-ovc lavc -lavcopts
-srate 22050 -lavfopts
-o "OutputFile.flv" -oac mp3lame -lameopts
abr:br=24:mode=3 -quiet"
3. Use flvmdi (http://www.buraks.com/flvmdi/ - free to use) to add meta
data to FLV videos:
flvmdi.exe /k "OutputFile.flv"
4. Use an flv player on the html page.
http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=Flash+Video+Player or
http://resources.neolao.com/flash/components/player_flv (doc in
French (I can help with that :) ), but more flexible)
An alternative to generate the screen capture with flv on other OS is to
use vnc2swf: http://www.unixuser.org/~euske/vnc2swf/
The advantage of using flash:
- A typical tutorial video is around 3Mbytes for 2.5 minutes and is
streamed (playback can start before entire video is downloaded.
- No brainer: no media player to install - flash players are installed
on 98% of all internet browsers, video is embedded in the page.