Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] buildbot failure in Wireshark (development) on OSX 10.5 x86
- Prev by Date: [Wireshark-commits] master b9e61be: RTPS: added new PIDs and included minor improvements - (Updated) Fixed code review issues - (Updated) Fixed whitespaces and code review issues - Representing now some NTP times as duration (not as date) - Added some vendor specific PIDs (RTI) - Added dissect_APP_ACK_CONF, dissect_APP_ACK and dissect_HEARTBEAT_VIRTUAL - Added is_discovery to dissect_serialize_data to avoid malformed packets when using mutable types (Wireshark assumes serialized data with CDR-PL encapsulation is always discovery data, what is not true when using Mutable types)
- Next by Date: [Wireshark-commits] master b7fb116: Qt → wireshark. GTK+ → wireshark-gtk.
- Previous by thread: [Wireshark-commits] master b9e61be: RTPS: added new PIDs and included minor improvements - (Updated) Fixed code review issues - (Updated) Fixed whitespaces and code review issues - Representing now some NTP times as duration (not as date) - Added some vendor specific PIDs (RTI) - Added dissect_APP_ACK_CONF, dissect_APP_ACK and dissect_HEARTBEAT_VIRTUAL - Added is_discovery to dissect_serialize_data to avoid malformed packets when using mutable types (Wireshark assumes serialized data with CDR-PL encapsulation is always discovery data, what is not true when using Mutable types)
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