User: mmann
Date: 2013/11/25 04:04 PM
Remove Fibre Channel specific fields from packet_info and just have the fc_hdr or fc_data_t structure passed between all necessary dissectors.
Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
Changes Path Action
+9 -5 packet-brdwlk.c Modified
+8 -5 packet-cpfi.c Modified
+25 -21 packet-fc.c Modified
+17 -0 packet-fc.h Modified
+8 -5 packet-fcct.c Modified
+15 -11 packet-fcdns.c Modified
+21 -18 packet-fcels.c Modified
+14 -11 packet-fcfcs.c Modified
+14 -11 packet-fcfzs.c Modified
+9 -6 packet-fcip.c Modified
+9 -6 packet-fcoe.c Modified
(7 files not shown)