User: mmann
Date: 2013/11/09 05:46 PM
Add data parameter to tcp_dissect_pdus() as well as convert it to using "new" style dissectors.
Now that "bytes consumed" can be determined, should tcp_dissect_pdus() take advantage of that?
Should tcp_dissect_pdus return length (bytes consumed)? There are many dissectors that just call tcp_dissect_pdus() then return tvb_length(tvb). Seems like that could all be rolled into one.
Directory: /trunk/asn1/c1222/
Changes Path Action
+10 -7 packet-c1222-template.c Modified
Directory: /trunk/asn1/cmp/
Changes Path Action
+2 -7 packet-cmp-template.c Modified
Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
Changes Path Action
+8 -6 packet-adwin-config.c Modified
+10 -7 packet-agentx.c Modified
+5 -4 packet-aim.c Modified
+10 -6 packet-ajp13.c Modified
+16 -12 packet-amqp.c Modified
+11 -7 packet-ancp.c Modified
+4 -4 packet-aol.c Modified
+8 -7 packet-assa_r3.c Modified
+5 -4 packet-bitcoin.c Modified
(119 files not shown)