User: jmayer
Date: 2013/11/06 10:55 PM
With the updated pidl it is now possible to generate several
of the dcerpc dissectors again. Commit those of the generated
onces that actually compile.
Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
Changes Path Action
+68 -68 packet-dcerpc-atsvc.c Modified
+8 -8 packet-dcerpc-atsvc.h Modified
+18 -18 packet-dcerpc-initshutdown.c Modified
+2 -2 packet-dcerpc-initshutdown.h Modified
+158 -159 packet-dcerpc-winreg.c Modified
+7 -7 packet-dcerpc-winreg.h Modified
+3 -3 packet-dcerpc-wzcsvc.c Modified
+2 -2 packet-dcerpc-wzcsvc.h Modified