User: wmeier
Date: 2013/10/29 02:09 PM
From didier gautheron: remove redundant or use faster col_xxx functions
- when the text parameter is constant col_add_str() and col_set_str() are equivalent but col_set_str() is faster.
- same for replace col_append_fstr and col_append_str
- remove col_clear() when it's redundant:
+ before a col_set/col_add if the dissector can't throw an exception.
- replace col_append() after a col_clear() with faster col_add... or col_set
Directory: /trunk/asn1/acse/
Changes Path Action
+5 -5 acse.cnf Modified
Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
Changes Path Action
+0 -3 packet-applemidi.c Modified
+1 -1 packet-aprs.c Modified
+2 -2 packet-atmtcp.c Modified
+0 -1 packet-ax25-nol3.c Modified
+2 -3 packet-bt3ds.c Modified
+2 -2 packet-btamp.c Modified
+3 -3 packet-btatt.c Modified
+2 -2 packet-btavctp.c Modified
+6 -7 packet-btavdtp.c Modified
+10 -11 packet-btavrcp.c Modified
(152 files not shown)