User: wmeier
Date: 2013/10/22 02:27 PM
- remove duplicate/unneeded #includes
- remove some boilerplate comments
- fix up whitespace: indentation, trailing & etc
- remove 'if (tree)'
(Note: 'if (tree)' needs to be around all the code (as in the previous
version of packet-wsmp) or none so that the same value of offset is used
in various function calls whether or not 'tree == NULL'.
For the moment I've chosen to remove the 'if (tree)' since (in theory)
the (external) data dissector shouldn't be called under 'if (tree)'.
- revert SVN #52757 since no it's longer needed with the removal of 'if (tree)';
- remove another unneeded line of code.
Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
Changes Path Action
+142 -170 packet-wsmp.c Modified