User: cturney
Date: 2013/10/09 04:13 PM
If the capture is frame sliced at or beyond the TCP 20-byte fixed length portion of the TCP header and tcp_analyze_seq is enabled, TCP analysis is not conducted: As much of the options field as possible should be dissected and TCP analysis should be performed.
Patch was tested with snaplens of:
49 and 52: (TCP fixed header incomplete) TCP analysis NOT performed.
54: (Fixed header complete but entire options wfield was sliced off) TCP analysis ran and was OK.
64: (Fixed header complete but a portion of the options field was missing) Options were dissected to the extent possible. TCP analysis ran and was OK.
66: (Fixed header and options complete) TCP analysis ran and was OK.
70: (Fixed header and options complete plus 4 bytes) TCP analysis ran and was OK.
Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
Changes Path Action
+31 -15 packet-tcp.c Modified