User: martinm
Date: 2013/08/29 09:08 PM
The first step towards tracking and showing DRX info in MAC:
- send release from RRC
- show current DRX config from each frame, including a link back to the
RRC config frame
- show simple DRX state for each frame (currently only offset into long
cycle and whether within long cycle 'on' period)
- simulate timers in response to new UL/DL transmissions or DL CRC
- maintain whether in long or short cycle
- show state of all timers
Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
Changes Path Action
+284 -3 packet-mac-lte.c Modified
+23 -0 packet-mac-lte.h Modified
Directory: /trunk/asn1/lte-rrc/
Changes Path Action
+22 -1 lte-rrc.cnf Modified
+0 -16 packet-lte-rrc-template.c Modified