User: wmeier
Date: 2013/07/01 07:32 AM
Define certain 'const char *...' arrays as static.
(That is: Don't create the array on the stack each time
the function is called).
Reduces code memory usage and execution time.
(See SVN #50271)
Directory: /trunk/ui/gtk/
Changes Path Action
+1 -1 about_dlg.c Modified
+2 -2 capture_if_details_dlg_win32.c Modified
+1 -1 color_dlg.c Modified
+1 -1 flow_graph.c Modified
+1 -1 plugins_dlg.c Modified
+16 -16 prefs_column.c Modified
+11 -11 prefs_filter_expressions.c Modified
+12 -12 prefs_font_color.c Modified
+2 -2 proto_dlg.c Modified
+1 -1 service_response_time_table.c Modified