User: pascal
Date: 2013/05/10 06:13 AM
Fix a few bugs related to PDU export feature:
- tag length is wrong if proto name was a multiple of 4 bytes
- tag length is wrong in case no IP address is available in packet_info structwhile tag is requested
- endianness issue when dumping the port number
- overlapping tag IPv4 Dst address and IPv6 Src address
- do not call dissector when it is not found
- typo errors
- add a subtree for tag content
- display IPv6 Src/Dst address
Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
Changes Path Action
+60 -28 packet-exported_pdu.c Modified
Directory: /trunk/epan/
Changes Path Action
+16 -13 exported_pdu.c Modified
+12 -12 exported_pdu.h Modified
Directory: /trunk/ui/gtk/
Changes Path Action
+7 -7 export_pdu_dlg.c Modified