User: gerald
Date: 2013/02/20 05:00 PM
Don't yell at the user quite so much. Remove exclamation points from
some error messages and rephrase some others.
Directory: /trunk/ui/gtk/
Changes Path Action
+3 -3 airpcap_dlg.c Modified
+7 -8 capture_if_details_dlg_win32.c Modified
+2 -2 export_sslkeys.c Modified
+1 -1 fileset_dlg.c Modified
+20 -20 iax2_analysis.c Modified
+1 -1 main.c Modified
+7 -3 main_airpcap_toolbar.c Modified
+6 -6 packet_panes.c Modified
+22 -22 rtp_analysis.c Modified
+2 -2 sctp_assoc_analyse.c Modified
+5 -5 sctp_byte_graph_dlg.c Modified
(2 files not shown)