User: gerald
Date: 2013/02/07 05:16 PM
Add a ModulePreferencesScrollArea widget which builds a scrollable frame
for a preferences module. Use it to fill in the remaining preferences.
Don't show the printing preferences since they're not used here.
Change the titles and tooltips for some of the name resolution
Disable the capture preferences if we can't capture. This is different
from the GTK+ version which hides it completely.
Thus concludes the preferences dialog (for the time being).
Directory: /trunk/epan/
Changes Path Action
+15 -13 addr_resolv.c Modified
Directory: /trunk/ui/qt/
Changes Path Action
+4 -1 Modified
+414 -0 module_preferences_scroll_area.cpp Added
+70 -0 module_preferences_scroll_area.h Added
+42 -0 module_preferences_scroll_area.ui Added
+131 -11 preferences_dialog.cpp Modified
+3 -27 preferences_dialog.ui Modified