User: jmayer
Date: 2011/08/07 11:15 AM
Replace deprecated glib functions.
In order to compile the whole project with -DG_DISABLE_DEPRECATED
the mate plugin needs to replace its usage of GMemChunk.
All other places should be clean.
Directory: /trunk/epan/crypt/
Changes Path Action
+1 -1 airpdcap.c Modified
Directory: /trunk/epan/
Changes Path Action
+2 -2 radius_dict.l Modified
Directory: /trunk/plugins/mate/
Changes Path Action
+1 -1 mate_grammar.lemon Modified
Directory: /trunk/
Changes Path Action
+5 -3 dumpcap.c Modified
Directory: /trunk/epan/wslua/
Changes Path Action
+4 -4 wslua_proto.c Modified