User: etxrab
Date: 2010/12/28 04:36 AM
Add tvb_bcd_dig_to_ep_str()
* Given a tvbuff, an offset into the tvbuff, and a length that starts
* at that offset (which may be -1 for "all the way to the end of the
* tvbuff"), fetch BCD encoded digits from a tvbuff starting from either
* the low or high half byte, formating the digits according to an input digit set,
* if NUll a default digit set of 0-9 returning "?" for overdecadic digits will be used.
* A pointer to the EP allocated string will be returned.
* Note a tvbuff content of 0xf is considered a 'filler' and will end the conversion.
Directory: /trunk/asn1/ansi_map/
Changes Path Action
+5 -1 packet-ansi_map-template.c Modified
Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
Changes Path Action
+6 -6 packet-ansi_a.c Modified
+8 -4 packet-ansi_map.c Modified
+3 -2 packet-gsm_a_common.h Modified
Directory: /trunk/epan/
Changes Path Action
+65 -0 tvbuff.c Modified
+18 -1 tvbuff.h Modified