User: etxrab
Date: 2010/08/29 10:34 AM
Fix for Bug Packet details have errors when decode MAP V2 PRN_ACK msg
* Dissect Multiple Choice Message
* This function is used to decode a message, when several encoding may be used.
* For exemple, in the last MAP version, the Cancel Location is defined like this:
* CancelLocationArg ::= [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE
* But in the previous MAP version, it was a CHOICE between a SEQUENCE and an IMSI
* As ASN1 encoders (or software) still uses the old encoding, this function allows
* the decoding of both versions.
* Moreover, some optimizations (or bad practice ?) in ASN1 encoder, removes the
* SEQUENCE tag, when only one parameter is present in the SEQUENCE.
* This explain why the function expects 3 parameters:
* - a [3] SEQUENCE corresponding the recent ASN1 MAP encoding
* - a SEQUENCE for old style
* - and a single parameter, for old version or optimizations
* The analyze of the first ASN1 tag, indicate what kind of decoding should be used,
* if the decoding function is provided (so not a NULL function)
Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
Changes Path Action
+7 -4 packet-gsm_map.c Modified
Directory: /trunk/asn1/gsm_map/
Changes Path Action
+1 -0 MAP-MobileServiceOperations.asn Modified
+4 -1 packet-gsm_map-template.c Modified