Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] rev 29830: /trunk/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/ /trunk/packagin

Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 23:56:30 GMT

User: guy
Date: 2009/09/09 04:56 PM

 To quote
 "Table 1  StartupParameters.plist key-value pairs
 Key		Type	Value
 Description	String	A short description of the startup item,
 			used by administrative tools.
 Provides	Array	The names of the services provided by this
 			startup item.  Although a startup item can
 			potentially provide multiple services, it is
 			recommended that you limit your startup items
 			to only one service each."
 Fix "Provides" to be the name of the service, not a description of the
 helpful operations that it provides.
 (Propagated from tcpdump.org git repository.)

Directory: /trunk/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/
  Changes    Path                       Action
  +1 -1      StartupParameters.plist    Modified