User: krj
Date: 2009/08/16 03:53 AM
Add a new function, tvb_new_subset_remaining(), which is a sligtly optimized version of tvb_new_subset(). The latter can be mapped to the former by tvb_new_subset(tvb, offset, -1 /* backing_length */, -1 /* reported_length */). We can disable some bounds checking because 'backing_length' and 'reported_length' are hardcoded to -1.
The current implementation of tvb_new_subset_remaining() only has the THROW_ON(reported_length < 1) check removed when compared to tvb_new_subset(). So there's room for improvement in this function. We should be able to disable some more (redundant) bounds checking.
Directory: /trunk/epan/
Changes Path Action
+35 -3 tvbuff.c Modified
+4 -0 tvbuff.h Modified