Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] rev 28504: /trunk/ /trunk/: Makefile.nmake

Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 17:07:54 GMT

User: wmeier
Date: 2009/05/27 10:07 AM

 Fix bug: Makefile doesn't detect some out-of-date libraries.
  The makefile was coded to do the checktag and libverify checks
  only if makefile.nmake changed. It's now the case that some 
  library updates are reflected in config.nmake rather than in
  Makefile.nmake and thus were missed.
  Do a checktag once at the beginning of the make.
  Do not do a libverify any more. I think that checking
   that the library 'tag' is correct is sufficient.
  (The libverify code has been effectively commented out for now. 
   It can be removed at a later date once we're comfortable
   with just using checktag).
  --This line, and those below, will be ignored--
 M    Makefile.nmake

Directory: /trunk/
  Changes    Path              Action
  +11 -1     Makefile.nmake    Modified