User: wmeier
Date: 2009/03/08 03:12 PM
Fix ws_stdio_unlink so it works properly on WIndows for all Unicode filenames.
- Essentially: ws_stdio_unlink would fail trying to delete
any path\filename containing a Unicode character which could not be mapped
to the "system codepage" (ie: to a character encoded with a value of 1-255).
For example: ws_stdio_unlink was not able to delete a path\filename
containing the character U+210B.
- The problem: A copy/paste of the wrong (non-Windows) portion of the GLib
g_unlink code was done when file_util.c was created.
- The solution: replace the ws_stdio_unlink code with the correct code
copied from the Glib g_unlink function.
Directory: /trunk/wsutil/
Changes Path Action
+5 -5 file_util.c Modified