User: kukosa
Date: 2007/07/13 11:25 AM
- get rid of anonymous unions
- move some structures from packet-per and packet-q932-ros to asn1.h
Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
Changes Path Action
+2 -2 packet-ber.c Modified
+7 -14 packet-per.c Modified
+2 -2 packet-q932-ros.c Modified
+2 -10 packet-q932-ros.h Modified
+1 -1 packet-q932.c Modified
Directory: /trunk/epan/
Changes Path Action
+60 -8 asn1.h Modified
Directory: /trunk/asn1/q932/
Changes Path Action
+2 -2 packet-q932-ros-template.c Modified
+2 -10 packet-q932-ros-template.h Modified
+1 -1 packet-q932-template.c Modified