Comment # 2
on bug 13212
from Vitaly
A similar situation with MS-DSH:
My changes that fix the problem:
Started from epan/dissectors/packet-rtcp.c:1052:
/* MS Dominant Speaker History */
rtcp_ms_ds_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(tree, tvb, offset, length,
ett_ms_ds, NULL, "MS Dominant Speaker History");
col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO,"( MS-DSH )");
while ( length >= 4 && tvb_captured_length_remaining (tvb, offset) >=
item = proto_tree_add_item( rtcp_ms_ds_tree, hf_rtcp_psfb_ms_msi,
tvb, offset, 4, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN );
msi = tvb_get_ntohl (tvb, offset);
proto_item_append_text(item," %s", val_to_str_const(msi,
rtcp_ssrc_values, ""));
offset += 4;
length -=4;
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