Comment # 2
on bug 12106
from Peter Wu
Find all ber_sequence_t definitions with a single element:
grep ber_sequence_t -lr > /tmp/1
clang-query -p=/tmp/wsbuild $(cat /tmp/1) -c 'set output print' \
-c 'm varDecl(hasType(asString("const ber_sequence_t [1]")))' > /tmp/2
Find all variables having a NULL element (ignoring sequence_of and set_of
awk '/void/{gsub(/[\[\]]/,"");print $4}' /tmp/2
There will be 29 of them. For the ansi_tcap example
(asn1/ansi_tcap/TCAPPackage.asn) we have this specification:
Reject ::= SEQUENCE {
rejectProblem [PRIVATE 21] IMPLICIT Problem,
parameter CHOICE {
paramSequence [PRIVATE 16] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { },
paramSet [PRIVATE 18] IMPLICIT SET { }
} --The choice between paramSequence and paramSet is implementation
--dependent, however paramSequence is preferred.
This empty "SET {}" will cause issues. ("SEQUENCE {}" will not cause issues
with dissect_ber_sequence because it checks seq->func before continuing).
According to 26.1 from X.680-0207 an empty set is valid. Patch is coming up.
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